Just watched the DVD from the 2005 World Series. (And wow, what a dominate team). But mostly, it reminded me of all the ridiculous things child 2 used to say. She still says ridiculous things, only now they're preteen things, and they don't make me laugh, anymore. I mostly squint the hell out of her. She was 2 when the Sox (the white kind) won. And she watched, and she knew who they all were. Her imaginary husband was Paul Uh-erko. Some kids have an imaginary friend, she had an imaginary family. Husband, 3 kids, a dog. Her kids were Lola, Noonee, and Sam. Fluffy was the dog. The kids were always in trouble. Most of the time, they were in trouble for doing whatever got her in trouble earlier in the day. And they got in BIG trouble. Noonee is in jail, she'd say, as she sat down at the table, rolling her eyes, looking utterly disgusted. What happened?? She took candy out of the drawer without asking. Then she'd rest her cheek in her hand, and shake her head. Her kids were always getting hit by trees or falling out of windows. A lot of things she said made me examine my parenting skills. We don't know a single person who has been hit by a tree. Or fell out of a window. Or in jail, even. Where is this child coming up with this?? She had these markers with pictures of princesses on them, and she was walking them around her desk, and they're having some kind of crisis. She makes one fall off the desk, and is hanging there. She says-mommy, help me, I'm falling! Here comes mom marker...no, you shut up! I'll spit on you! What the fuck?! She's the meanest mom ever!
One time, she did her sitting at the table sighing thing, and told me Pauwee was in jail. Great, now her husband is a criminal. I asked why. She said-he punched me in the face. Why??!! He doesn't like my boyfriend, she says. Probably took me 5 minutes to spit out-why do you have a boyfriend if you have a husband?? She looked at me like that was the dumbest question she'd ever heard. Are some Kids predisposed to grown up stuff?? I sheltered those two. Only little kid tv and movies, only kid music. Except for the Beatles and oldies. Maybe that's a subliminal
Lesson in strawberry fields...grown up stuff.
I'm not nearly as surprised when kid 3 plays cars, and makes a traffic jam. On purpose. Then picks one car who sits there and yells at everyone. My 5 year old has already learned the inherent danger of Asian drivers. My feeling is a mix between pride and shame. Someone pulled out in front of us once, and I had a rare moment of watching my mouth. Dang that dude! Kid 3 could obviously sense something was missing. Whys that guy being such a fucking dick? Little kid voice, big words. What?! -I say, I don't know, but don't say that!
If you're wondering where to send my parent of the year award, you're SOL. Youll have to keep that one in the trophy case, cuz my Anonymity cannot be compromised.